Chelmorton Sep 19th 1859 Dear Nephew I write these few lines to you hoping to find you in good health has it leaves your Grandfather and your uncle William in very poor health I have but done three days work since 13th of April our Children are all in good health but it has pleased god to take your Aunt Ellen with only ten days illness she died on the, 11th, of September which it has left us all in great grief and we find it a very great loss for us whi8ch we have know one to look at us and we are boh incapable of doing any work and I dont think we shall ever be able to do any more work I think ouir time will not be so long before we follow those that are gone before so I think it beholds us all to prepare to meet our god Boden Head they are all in good health except your Mother she has been very ill all Summer she has not been able to do very little work at all she came along with your Aunt Ann and her husband in Charles Lingards Cart to your Aunt Ellens funeral [next page] and she is wore away to nothing but skin and bone her arm above the elbow is no thicker then a childs arm of a year old I think she is not Long for this world i am sorry say but if we have never the happiness of mulling [???] on earth I hope we shall meet in heaven through jesus Christ Amen Grassbrook uncle George they are all in good health except your uncle does not enjoy very good health your Aunt Mary came to the funeral your uncle did not come their Daughter Sarah is got Married to Robert Robinson of Wardlow a few weeks since Lane Ends your uncle George Greens they are all in good health except one of the girls which is ill in her place our Joseph went to ask them to the funeral but thtye neve came which I have never heard nothing since of them your Aunt Ellens Brother has taken the little Child to [next page] nurse it was just one year old the day after it Mother died please to Answer this letter has soon has you receive it which it will oblidge me very much to here how you are going on you must let my Brother Mark look at the Letter I thought it would just do the same twas [???] writeing two Hannahs uncle James Nicholas gets no better nor your sister Marthas Emma neither gets no better